Monday, February 22, 2010

Park #1

A trip to View Ridge Park.

Learning that we are about to go to the park ("I love park!"):

Picking flowers on the way to the park (and developing yellow noses):

Trying to share flowers with the birdies on the way to the park ("Here go birdies! For you!"):

Playing on the little kid playground:

Going down the little kid slide over and over ("boo side"):

Taking a quick break:

Playing on the swing ("wing"):

Discovering the very big kid slide (and making mommy a little nervous!):

Playing in the tunnel, and looking darn cute while doing so:

I think we'll head there again right now :)

Park #2

A trip to Magnuson Park.

Throwing rocks in the water:

Picking flowers:

And just a couple of pretty views at the park:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Smart girl

Leah surprises me every day with something new she knows. Usually with something that we never taught her, and we have a hard time figuring out where some of it comes from! Here is a cute little video of her. I admit, we taught her the first two questions, but she came up with noticing people's eye color all on her own.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Camera Fun

Leah and I had some fun with the camera the other day!

A few of the many faces of Leah:

Mom trying to set a good example of smiling for the camera:


So, we have been really busy lately! Matthew is in the middle of midterms and research, and I am trying to juggle work and motherhood and pregnancy. But we have had some good times in the middle of everything! In January, Matt's brother Adam and our soon-to-be sister-in-law Kylie came to visit! (See ferry picture below.) They were our first official visitors since we settled here in Seattle! Also, my parents came a couple of weeks ago! (See picture of Leah with the statue of Mr. Ivar below.) Then, we went to visit our parents this weekend! We got to help see Matt's brother Daniel off -- he is starting a mission to Brazil tomorrow!

Okay, here is a group of pictures to help catch you up :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Video: Big and little animals

I realized I hadn't posted any videos of our little cutie lately, so here is one of my favorites from back in October.

Video: Leah's favorite song

Here is a video of how much Leah likes her song. This is from back in November. I guess she's mellowed out a little since then :)