Friday, May 14, 2010

Big month

Next month brings with it a lot of change for us. We have...:

- 1 week of my work left
- 20 days until my due date
- 3.5 weeks until the end of Matthew's quarter (yes, my due date is during finals week)
- and quite possibly one more that is still being worked out

Needless to say (so why am I saying it? I don't really know...), The Brewer Family Blog will likely take a back seat pretty soon.

Speaking about Big Change #2, I had a doctor's appointment a couple days back, and now I'm starting to have weekly appointments. Everything still looks fine, and we are still happy with how things are handled there at the hospital. Today I am 37 weeks and 1 day, so this baby is considered "full term" and could probably breathe on his own by now. Of course, the longer he stays in, the better :)

One, or both, of us is definitely getting bigger...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, we'll sure be thinking about you! I'm totally curious as to what the "one more that is still being worked out" is. :)
